(Elder Zivic is a 70 presiding over Argentina. He visited Gavin's branch yesterday for church so I am including a little bit of information about him. What another great experience for Gavin to have as a missionary!)
Elder Claudio Daniel Zivic believes that when we are striving to live right, we can trust that God will guide us.
Elder Zivic was born on December 19, 1948, to Latter-day Saint parents Sergio Jorge Zivic and Eleonora Zalewski Zivic in Buenos Aires, Argentina. As a 15-year-old runner, he ranked second nationally in his age group in the 800 meters. His greatest desire was to compete in the Olympics, and his coach, a former Olympic decathlete, believed he could do it—if he would only give up his reluctance to compete on Sundays.
“I had to choose,” says Elder Zivic. “In the end I felt competing wasn’t what the Lord wanted for me.”
Elder Zivic faced another difficult decision when it came time to choose a vocation. For four straight years of secondary school, he had to take an additional end-of-year test in accounting because he did so poorly in the subject during the year.
“I really didn’t like accounting,” he says. But when he prayerfully considered his career path, he felt strongly that he should go into accounting. Trusting in the Lord, he received his accounting degree from the University of Buenos Aires and enjoyed a career as a certified public accountant.
Elder Zivic can see the Lord’s guidance throughout his life. “If we’re living right, He will bless us,” Elder Zivic says. “Things will fall into place most naturally.”
After his military service, he and his wife, Dina Noemí Alvarez, were sealed on January 9, 1979, in the São Paulo Brazil Temple.
It's great to hear from my family on Mondays. I really do look forward to Monday's wondering how you guys are doing. Sounds like things are going pretty well. Congrats about the mission call mom and dad. That's so cool. You guys will be getting set apart this week? I swear someone told me that you guys don't start your calling or mission, whatever it is for like a year...this whole thing is just confusing. But exciting! (To clarify Gavin, your dad and I have been called as Inner City Spanish Speaking missionaries here in SLC. We will be set apart within a couple of weeks. We start training on Feb. 13th-14th. We have been asked to serve for at least one year. It seems that most people love it so much, they extend, so we shall see. Hope that helps!)
I'm glad you got my letter. I was going to write a letter to everyone in the family for Christmas, but then I had a fight with time and lost! Obviously! But, emails are good. I hope Jon and Ash are doing well. Haven't heard from them for awhile. Is Jon still in China? (He's home now). I still don't understand how he can speak Chinese. What a stud.
Zone conference was great! Pinemar is so nice. I took a picture of the chapel I'll send it to you sometime. It's the only Chapel I've seen without a fence. It has like a little wood fence, but you don't have to open a gate or anything. It's super nice there. Usually when it's super nice two blocks down you get a gnarly villa, but there it's just a nice feeling of comfort. I enjoyed my stay.
So, guess who came to our branch yesterday? Elder Zivic came and spoke to our ward. I think he's on vacations here with his fam. His son served in Utah and he knows Draper. He said he's going to get on our water problem which would be sweet. I kind of have a beard right now for not shaving today. It hurts so bad without water. I just couldn't do it! It's so annoying to not have water. I can't imagine what it will feel like to finally take a real shower. But, anyways, this last week... como me fue? (how was it?) ummm fue...(ummm it was)...ha, it was alright. We're working with what we've got and trying to get people to progress. As much as we want to just act for them, they've got to do it for themselves like Elder Bednar said. But things will get better, I'm sure of it. We weren't actually able to find Matias this week, but he is golden. I'd love to see him get baptized. Only time will tell. But he will get there. Well, I got to go but hope things are going well and that you are all feeling the spirit de vez en cuando (once in awhile). You will know you're living right if you feel the spirit every now and then, but if it's been awhile since you have, arrepentios y sed bautisados!!! (Repent and be baptized)!!!
Elder Rice