Monday, August 30, 2010
Hey Family,
Wow thanks for the pics! That's great that you guys played golf with the Daniels. The course looks amazing. I can't wait to tear that up when I get back. We'll have to make sure to bring a bunch of sand for all my divots though that I'll be making in that thing. Wow, but really, it looks good.
So, it sounds like you called SLC, or emailed or something. (We called the travel office due to insufficient knowledge of whether you are extending or not...made for a long week without knowing Elder Rice. ) I shouldn't have mentioned anything because it turns out that I can't. Elder Ingram and I really wanted to but it turns out that there are a ton of missionaries coming in the next transfer so they don't need us. (Can I just say...good news for us, not so good news for you?)
I want to have good noche de hogares (family nights) with the whole family when I get back. Like with fun stuff yes, but spiritual stuff as well. I want to share my testimony with everyone. (Did I mention how great missions are in a young persons life?!) I'm excited to spend time with you. Missions help you realize how amazing your parents actually really are. (Tears of joy here Gav...they also help reaffirm a parents love for their kids.) Mom, I'm terrible with English now. It just doesn't leave me good. ( I noticed...leave me good Gav?) Like I can speak fine, I talk with my comp in English all the time, but like with church stuff...(don't worry, it will come back! Just don't lose your Espanol though! I really need it in my missionary calling right now and I'm so rusty after 30 years!)
I love my family and this ward! I'm so excited to work hard these last two weeks. (I can't believe it's finally almost the end Gav!) We have to make sure that John and Selinas marriage goes through so that they can get baptized next week. As well as Micaela. She's so awesome. It will be a great baptism to have. She's cool. She like's Coldplay a lot. Her husbands a stud as well. His name is David. It would be so great to see them get sealed in the Temple in a year.
Today was fun. We had a zone activity and played a lot of soccer and other games. We were supposed to go out to some island for it but just like always, too many showed up late and we missed the boat. So, we went to the church. It was fun though. We also had an asado (bbq).
This last week I was super sick. I had the gripe! (flu) I had a fever, headache and stomachache and was in my bed for like 48 hours. It was a bummer. I hate going from cold to hot in like 2 seconds with the weather. Things are going well though and we're working hard and are happy. I hope you all are too. I appreciate all you do for me. I hope you're having family home evening. If not, start! I can't wait for that when I get back. I love you all and hope you have a great week.
Wow thanks for the pics! That's great that you guys played golf with the Daniels. The course looks amazing. I can't wait to tear that up when I get back. We'll have to make sure to bring a bunch of sand for all my divots though that I'll be making in that thing. Wow, but really, it looks good.
So, it sounds like you called SLC, or emailed or something. (We called the travel office due to insufficient knowledge of whether you are extending or not...made for a long week without knowing Elder Rice. ) I shouldn't have mentioned anything because it turns out that I can't. Elder Ingram and I really wanted to but it turns out that there are a ton of missionaries coming in the next transfer so they don't need us. (Can I just say...good news for us, not so good news for you?)
I want to have good noche de hogares (family nights) with the whole family when I get back. Like with fun stuff yes, but spiritual stuff as well. I want to share my testimony with everyone. (Did I mention how great missions are in a young persons life?!) I'm excited to spend time with you. Missions help you realize how amazing your parents actually really are. (Tears of joy here Gav...they also help reaffirm a parents love for their kids.) Mom, I'm terrible with English now. It just doesn't leave me good. ( I noticed...leave me good Gav?) Like I can speak fine, I talk with my comp in English all the time, but like with church stuff...(don't worry, it will come back! Just don't lose your Espanol though! I really need it in my missionary calling right now and I'm so rusty after 30 years!)
I love my family and this ward! I'm so excited to work hard these last two weeks. (I can't believe it's finally almost the end Gav!) We have to make sure that John and Selinas marriage goes through so that they can get baptized next week. As well as Micaela. She's so awesome. It will be a great baptism to have. She's cool. She like's Coldplay a lot. Her husbands a stud as well. His name is David. It would be so great to see them get sealed in the Temple in a year.
Today was fun. We had a zone activity and played a lot of soccer and other games. We were supposed to go out to some island for it but just like always, too many showed up late and we missed the boat. So, we went to the church. It was fun though. We also had an asado (bbq).
This last week I was super sick. I had the gripe! (flu) I had a fever, headache and stomachache and was in my bed for like 48 hours. It was a bummer. I hate going from cold to hot in like 2 seconds with the weather. Things are going well though and we're working hard and are happy. I hope you all are too. I appreciate all you do for me. I hope you're having family home evening. If not, start! I can't wait for that when I get back. I love you all and hope you have a great week.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Wedding bells....
Jon and Selina are getting married! We went with John this week to take out a turn. They can be married Sept. 10th and baptized on the 11th! I'm so happy! It's amazing. I don't know if you've noticed but I've been really happy and really enjoying the mission and don't feel ready to come home. (Oh, oh...yes, I have noticed)! We have so many great things going on in my area. I know it's late in the game but if you get a call from the President, don't be scared because I've asked to extend with Elder Ingram! We want to really bad. I'm sure you can manage a month longer without me. I'm not that great! (That's for me to decide Gav and my heart just skipped a beat)! I just thought I'd give you the heads up. I feel really good about it. It came so clear to me like I needed to do this when I was teaching a lesson to a family who wants to get married. The whole time I was just need to extend. It's a possibility and hopefully it will all work out. I obviously need your support so you have to be okay with it as well. (With a heart like this, how could I say no Gav!) President said he has to make some phone calls and will let us know when he gets the time to do so. So, that's the news on the street! (That's quite the shocking news E. GP Rice!)
We had 10 investigators in Church yesterday. We found a 22 year old girl from Peru Saturday night. Her name is Veronica and she already attended church in church clothes and participated and loved it! Yesterday we found this guy name Miguel who's parents were members and they even had temple recommends. He wants what they had because they were so happy. We took out a fecha with him the same day, yesterday for the 11th of September. Oh it's amazing! So many blessings in such little time. I feel so rushed and worried to get it all done. I've never felt crunched for time like I do right now. If you're de acuerdo (okay with) me extending, pray for me that I can. That things will work out. It would be a major disappointment. I thought the pres. could make these decision but it turns out the big dawgs, bigger ones than the mission pres. has to make the call. I really like President Stapley. He's a great man. Defineately different than Pres. Asay but I like his confidence and willingness to help us out. He's going to do great here. We found a guy last night doing our last contact, Andres' aka Andy who is 19 from Ecuador. He's here studying. He's amazing! We were so pumped getting back to the pench last night. We had a great week. My comps a stud. He's so willing to work hard. He's just new and doesn't know how to yet but he's really teachable and ready to learn. I'm here with Elder Ingram in Lomas cause we came to pick up my Argentine documents so I can have them as a souvenir. It turns out though that you have to bring a pic with you. They were closing when we got here so I have to come back up here before transfers or I won't get them. I really want them. It was a a bummer! But yeah, if we extend, we are going to work in my area and live with the elders from Villa Elvira cause they are in our area in a bigger pench. Ours is teeny, tiny. I really hope to. I miss you all and can't wait to see you, but I can wait another month... :)
I've wanted to baptize a family my whole mission, and finally, at the end it has been made possible. I can't wait to get them married and baptized. It's going to be so incredible! (Only wish I could be there to witness Gav. Keep up the good work!)
P.S. are we going golfing my first day back? (It depends if it's still warm when you decide to come home :)
P.S.S. a massage would be sweet like a professional one. I've never had one before. (You've earned that treat Gav. We'll see what we can do!)
P.S.S.S. I was laughing out loud the other day thinking of Daris saying "shiza" when he hits a bad shot in golf. (Some things never change...only now, he's trying to learn Espanol :)
P.S.S.S.S. Happy Birthday Ash. Hope you are happy!
We had 10 investigators in Church yesterday. We found a 22 year old girl from Peru Saturday night. Her name is Veronica and she already attended church in church clothes and participated and loved it! Yesterday we found this guy name Miguel who's parents were members and they even had temple recommends. He wants what they had because they were so happy. We took out a fecha with him the same day, yesterday for the 11th of September. Oh it's amazing! So many blessings in such little time. I feel so rushed and worried to get it all done. I've never felt crunched for time like I do right now. If you're de acuerdo (okay with) me extending, pray for me that I can. That things will work out. It would be a major disappointment. I thought the pres. could make these decision but it turns out the big dawgs, bigger ones than the mission pres. has to make the call. I really like President Stapley. He's a great man. Defineately different than Pres. Asay but I like his confidence and willingness to help us out. He's going to do great here. We found a guy last night doing our last contact, Andres' aka Andy who is 19 from Ecuador. He's here studying. He's amazing! We were so pumped getting back to the pench last night. We had a great week. My comps a stud. He's so willing to work hard. He's just new and doesn't know how to yet but he's really teachable and ready to learn. I'm here with Elder Ingram in Lomas cause we came to pick up my Argentine documents so I can have them as a souvenir. It turns out though that you have to bring a pic with you. They were closing when we got here so I have to come back up here before transfers or I won't get them. I really want them. It was a a bummer! But yeah, if we extend, we are going to work in my area and live with the elders from Villa Elvira cause they are in our area in a bigger pench. Ours is teeny, tiny. I really hope to. I miss you all and can't wait to see you, but I can wait another month... :)
I've wanted to baptize a family my whole mission, and finally, at the end it has been made possible. I can't wait to get them married and baptized. It's going to be so incredible! (Only wish I could be there to witness Gav. Keep up the good work!)
P.S. are we going golfing my first day back? (It depends if it's still warm when you decide to come home :)
P.S.S. a massage would be sweet like a professional one. I've never had one before. (You've earned that treat Gav. We'll see what we can do!)
P.S.S.S. I was laughing out loud the other day thinking of Daris saying "shiza" when he hits a bad shot in golf. (Some things never change...only now, he's trying to learn Espanol :)
P.S.S.S.S. Happy Birthday Ash. Hope you are happy!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Se Bautizo' Walter!
Hey Family of mine. First of all, I keep forgetting to there anything you want me to purchase for you while I am here in Argentina? Because I'm a guy and guys don't have good ideas with things like that to bring back. So if you want something, let me know. (Just you Gav...that's all I need!) I'm sending a bunch of pics. Some are from when E. Holladay was giving his goodbyes and from Kevin's baptism and also Walter's baptism this last weekend. This week we had a good week. We baptized and had 8 in Church. We're hoping to baptize 3 more in a family named Falcon'. The guy is cool. He looks like he's from Russia. They have been reactivated and have 3 kids ages 15, 13, and 9 who haven't been baptized. We are baptizing John and his wife and Micaela on September 11th so we're going to talk with them this week about it. It would be pretty rad to end the mission with 6 baptisms. I like those kids a lot. They're awesome.
We went with John to get a turn to get his marriage license. His passport had expired though so we have to go back this week and take different documents. They will get married though and baptized this transfer. Pray for them so they'll be able to get a turn to get married before the 11th. I'd die if I didn't get to see them baptized. We're working hard and seeing the blessings from it. I've been using the excuse of me going home to get investigators to do stuff, as well as the members. I have a lot committed to do stuff they've never done or haven't done in a long time, like go to church at least once before I leave. I'm excited for the rest of this transfer. I really hope we can get all the things done that we want to get done. Walter's baptism went really well. My comp baptized him. It was cool. He's a stud. He was excited and pretty nervous especially because the pants and shirt were like 5 sizes too big. Haha.
Today is fariado (holiday) which means Argentina has no public transportation. It makes for a long P-day waiting and waiting for colectivos (busses). We came out early to La Plata because we're going to play soccer again and don't want to get there late. We play every week.'s awesome. I love it! There's a chick sitting here next to me webcaming some guy and she's talking so fast in German or French. It's kinda cool. I like it. Well, enjoy the sun cause it's cold and ugly here...and enjoy the pics. I'd like to see pics of you guys though so feel free to send. I know I'll see you in a month but it just doesn't feel like it.
XOXOXO Elder Rice
We went with John to get a turn to get his marriage license. His passport had expired though so we have to go back this week and take different documents. They will get married though and baptized this transfer. Pray for them so they'll be able to get a turn to get married before the 11th. I'd die if I didn't get to see them baptized. We're working hard and seeing the blessings from it. I've been using the excuse of me going home to get investigators to do stuff, as well as the members. I have a lot committed to do stuff they've never done or haven't done in a long time, like go to church at least once before I leave. I'm excited for the rest of this transfer. I really hope we can get all the things done that we want to get done. Walter's baptism went really well. My comp baptized him. It was cool. He's a stud. He was excited and pretty nervous especially because the pants and shirt were like 5 sizes too big. Haha.
Today is fariado (holiday) which means Argentina has no public transportation. It makes for a long P-day waiting and waiting for colectivos (busses). We came out early to La Plata because we're going to play soccer again and don't want to get there late. We play every week.'s awesome. I love it! There's a chick sitting here next to me webcaming some guy and she's talking so fast in German or French. It's kinda cool. I like it. Well, enjoy the sun cause it's cold and ugly here...and enjoy the pics. I'd like to see pics of you guys though so feel free to send. I know I'll see you in a month but it just doesn't feel like it.
XOXOXO Elder Rice
Between a rock and a hard place!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Monday August 9, 2010
Hey Family,
Sounds like Cam's had some back luck lately, but I see we have some other good news in the family. So, I speak about albedrio (agency) for my homecoming talk huh?! That's cool. I like that. It'll be fun! (He actually doesn't mind speaking in church?...Another mission miracle)!
So, this week went okay. Yesterday was kind of a bummer, but we're baptizing this week and getting John and Selina married so that they can get baptized the Saturday before I leave the mission. We will also be baptizing Micaela, a member's wife. I'd be so content with those baptisms if we can get everything worked out like we want to. There's so many other people we're working with, but they're not progressing as quick as the others. It's frustrating, but we have to be patient because they are progressing and have the desires to progress even more. My comp is pretty cool. He's a way nice guy from Wisconsin. He always beats me in UNO though. He loves the mission and the work. He's always happy and willing to do whatever, so that's nice. We've just got to work on his Spanish so that he can be more effective. He has the drive though.
Today we played soccer. It was fun. We play like every P-Day. I hope that the guys at home that are planning on missions will do what they're called to do. They'll learn more in two years of life than they can learn the rest of their lives. Sounds like things are going well on the home front. I miss you guys and am looking forward to a warm welcoming, but for now I gotta work!
Sounds like Cam's had some back luck lately, but I see we have some other good news in the family. So, I speak about albedrio (agency) for my homecoming talk huh?! That's cool. I like that. It'll be fun! (He actually doesn't mind speaking in church?...Another mission miracle)!
So, this week went okay. Yesterday was kind of a bummer, but we're baptizing this week and getting John and Selina married so that they can get baptized the Saturday before I leave the mission. We will also be baptizing Micaela, a member's wife. I'd be so content with those baptisms if we can get everything worked out like we want to. There's so many other people we're working with, but they're not progressing as quick as the others. It's frustrating, but we have to be patient because they are progressing and have the desires to progress even more. My comp is pretty cool. He's a way nice guy from Wisconsin. He always beats me in UNO though. He loves the mission and the work. He's always happy and willing to do whatever, so that's nice. We've just got to work on his Spanish so that he can be more effective. He has the drive though.
Today we played soccer. It was fun. We play like every P-Day. I hope that the guys at home that are planning on missions will do what they're called to do. They'll learn more in two years of life than they can learn the rest of their lives. Sounds like things are going well on the home front. I miss you guys and am looking forward to a warm welcoming, but for now I gotta work!
Monday, August 2, 2010
The beginning of the end...last transfer! Hasta luego E. Holladay...bienvenidos E. Torbenson!
Hey Family,
I'm with a new comp. Elder Torbenson. I'm his second comp. He's from Wisconsin. He's a pretty cool kid. It should be great! If not, it's only for 6 weeks haha! He likes to play sports though so that's nice. I liked E. Holladay a lot. We had a really good two transfers and learned a lot and worked hard. We've got a lot of great investigators. We had 6 in Sacrament meeting and like hardly anyone else came. I'm sorry I don't have the pics from Kevin's baptism, I switched out my cards. Q macana. I'll have to send them next week. We had a good week though. We took out 2 fechas and will be baptizing them both this transfer. It's going to be awesome. One is a police woman who is married. Her husband is a member but has been inactive. They're starting to both come to church. He works on Sundays though and only gets one Sunday off a month. Her name is Micaela and the other one we're baptizing is Walter from the Ramos family who we are reactivating. We have so many more and should be getting people married. Jon and Selina are going to get married. We're working with them. He's the one that got shot twice and that's why I have pics of me in the hospital. His femur bone has a nail in the center. It's so long...I saw it on the X-ray. So, things are great. We're going to head back to the area. I love you, have a great week.
Elder Rice
I'm with a new comp. Elder Torbenson. I'm his second comp. He's from Wisconsin. He's a pretty cool kid. It should be great! If not, it's only for 6 weeks haha! He likes to play sports though so that's nice. I liked E. Holladay a lot. We had a really good two transfers and learned a lot and worked hard. We've got a lot of great investigators. We had 6 in Sacrament meeting and like hardly anyone else came. I'm sorry I don't have the pics from Kevin's baptism, I switched out my cards. Q macana. I'll have to send them next week. We had a good week though. We took out 2 fechas and will be baptizing them both this transfer. It's going to be awesome. One is a police woman who is married. Her husband is a member but has been inactive. They're starting to both come to church. He works on Sundays though and only gets one Sunday off a month. Her name is Micaela and the other one we're baptizing is Walter from the Ramos family who we are reactivating. We have so many more and should be getting people married. Jon and Selina are going to get married. We're working with them. He's the one that got shot twice and that's why I have pics of me in the hospital. His femur bone has a nail in the center. It's so long...I saw it on the X-ray. So, things are great. We're going to head back to the area. I love you, have a great week.
Elder Rice
I love my life...
Hey Mom,
So we baptized Kevin last week. It was awesome! We had 13 in church to see it. It was amazing, even with the rain and all. Kevin is such a stud. He came with us to district meeting on Tuesday and went out with us yesterday morning. He teaches so well. He even wanted to stop and talk with people in the street. He HAS to be a missionary one day. He'd make such a good one. He has such a strong testimony. His family didn't want him to get baptized and tried to talk him out of it the night before. But, I got to baptize him. He's awesome! I love the kid! This week we've taken out two baptismal fechas so next transfer I'll get to see at least two more baptisms. We have an investigator who is married to a member and wants to get baptized. I love my life! It's going to be awesome. We have others that are ready too. It's just so hard because of marriages and divorces and stuff, but we are doing really well with the work and it feels so good to have success and see the fruits of it. There's a bunch of stuff I wrote down to tell you, but I left my agenda in some guys house that we found last week. I leave it everywhere! I'm retarded...I lose everything (Some things haven't changed I guess. That's OK, you're still cute!)
I've got your package here with me!!! I did intercombios with Ensenada and those Elder's had it in their pench because they went to the offices and picked it up for me. Thank you so much! I will enjoy that the last little bit of my mission. I can't believe I'm almost on my last transfer. (Me either Gav)! I get excited every once in awhile, but sometimes I feel pressured like I have so much to do in the little time I have left. But, I think we're headed in the right direction.
It's raining so hard right now I love it! It's been pretty cold and rainy the last couple weeks. Mud with bikes complicates things but it's ok. At the end of the day, it's worth it. We have so many good investigators. We had six lessons with a member in one day this week. We've done two divisions with members and are really working hard. We have so many citas (appointments) and not enough time for all the people we are teaching. It's a good feeling but a little overwhelming at times.
Today we threw flour, rice and eggs on E. Johnson for his birthday. I'll send pics.
I love me! (you know it Gav!)
So we baptized Kevin last week. It was awesome! We had 13 in church to see it. It was amazing, even with the rain and all. Kevin is such a stud. He came with us to district meeting on Tuesday and went out with us yesterday morning. He teaches so well. He even wanted to stop and talk with people in the street. He HAS to be a missionary one day. He'd make such a good one. He has such a strong testimony. His family didn't want him to get baptized and tried to talk him out of it the night before. But, I got to baptize him. He's awesome! I love the kid! This week we've taken out two baptismal fechas so next transfer I'll get to see at least two more baptisms. We have an investigator who is married to a member and wants to get baptized. I love my life! It's going to be awesome. We have others that are ready too. It's just so hard because of marriages and divorces and stuff, but we are doing really well with the work and it feels so good to have success and see the fruits of it. There's a bunch of stuff I wrote down to tell you, but I left my agenda in some guys house that we found last week. I leave it everywhere! I'm retarded...I lose everything (Some things haven't changed I guess. That's OK, you're still cute!)
I've got your package here with me!!! I did intercombios with Ensenada and those Elder's had it in their pench because they went to the offices and picked it up for me. Thank you so much! I will enjoy that the last little bit of my mission. I can't believe I'm almost on my last transfer. (Me either Gav)! I get excited every once in awhile, but sometimes I feel pressured like I have so much to do in the little time I have left. But, I think we're headed in the right direction.
It's raining so hard right now I love it! It's been pretty cold and rainy the last couple weeks. Mud with bikes complicates things but it's ok. At the end of the day, it's worth it. We have so many good investigators. We had six lessons with a member in one day this week. We've done two divisions with members and are really working hard. We have so many citas (appointments) and not enough time for all the people we are teaching. It's a good feeling but a little overwhelming at times.
Today we threw flour, rice and eggs on E. Johnson for his birthday. I'll send pics.
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